...This account is cursed. I swear to god..... RIP oldstruggs.
Who is Zoophilestruggs?
Well... Currently I am the new owner of the twitter account @Zoophilestruggs also known as "Zoostruggs". In this document I will refer to myself as "newstruggs" and the old owner as "oldstruggs". I was given the @ with their permission. Evidence of that included in the first link. THIS PAGE HAS OLD INFORMATION FROM 2021. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN VIEWING ALL CONTENTS Now I must explain what happened....The gist of the matter is, the account @zoophilestruggs is a gimmick account that shows zoophile struggle tweets. The old owner of the account had a massive following that was full of minors. They were constantly posting barely censored bestiality porn as well as telling their followers to go and report accounts that had bestiality porn. leading people to actually interact and view the contents on such pages. Of which, a lot of them were minors. I called this out multiple times, as well as called out a lot of false callouts and misconceptions, and they proceeded to blackmail me and spread libel. In this page, I will disprove their claims from their own document they provided that blackmailed me. As well as reveal the character of the individual.
Thankyou... Enjoy this meme.
[S] cascade - 2021